"You can't spoil a child with LOVE"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

please tell me why.....?

Can someone please give me an update as to  why some people believe it isn't necessary to use a wipe after your child has peed? Before putting on a new diaper? Would you wanna put on new underwear without wiping or being dry? I don't think so....can someone say diaper rash???


  1. Yeah, I always think that is gross. I have caught my husband doing it before when he changes our daughter. Which is really funny to me because he is the only man I know that wipes himself after he pees claiming "You still have extra drops after you jiggle". Good enough for him but not for our daughter I say.....hmpf!

  2. LOL! Isn't that strange? Men love taking shortcuts that's for sure :)
